Thursday, July 19, 2012

India against Congress implies India against Anti-Nationalism

Ineptness of India to dwell in concord with its neighbours lies in its duplicity of not drafting candid policies against terrorism.

Following the successful tenure of BJP regime, which indeed was a watershed on Indian Politics; Congress back into power was caustically evasive of stringent measures against terrorism (which was by large influenced by the kinky fetish masochism of Gandhi towards muslim fanatics). When accosted with the vital obligation for potent directives to antagonize anti-nationalism, these stalwarts of anti-Hindu secularism shall cast off their accountability by tagging Terrorism as a 'Global affair.

In a timorous ruse, the despot Congress led UPA rather decried POTA(Prevention of Terrorism act) and finally repealed the draconian act, on grounds of human rights. Now, roger that!! the representatives of Nehruvian secularism who were proponents to the brunt of Cop breakdown on peaceful,democratic protestors of Ramdev's cadre amidst midnight, were advocating human rights for inhumane jehadi zealots!! They slandered the clauses of POTA(which in fact in every spirit was meant to trample the spine of anti-nationalism). They propagated the act as inhumane under the discourse that it could prove brazenly persuasive of further depravation to the convicts. This move was rather reflective of a despicable venture on part of Congress to placate the tyrranical felons in exchange of dodging the 1 billion denizens of Bharat.

In vengeance to the Godhra riots 'Tehreek-e-kassas' terrorists stormed the Akshardham temple in Gandhinagar, with the devout aim of igniting indellible marks of terror in the heartland of Gujarat. This itself avers as to whose intentions were severely backlashed on account of the outcome of Godhra carnage. Yet, the Inane Congress won't loll prattling of the non-secular parody of Modi Governence. However, the bravura of Gujarat ATF in countering the insolence by gunning down all intruders, was operational in debilitating the gamut of anti-national jehaad across the state. Ever since the catastrophe, Gujarat has been a peaceful state for over a decade now.

Ransacked of their noxious intent, the brunt of islamic terrorism jolted Mumbai on 26/11. The world labels it as the most well-organized terrorist attack to this date. It bewilders any sane to not beleiving that such a well-organized plot could never have bloomed on its own without the connivance of internal moles in abetting the act. The languid administration of the Congress run Maharashtra Government once again witnessed the theatrical of shambles, that was sheerly a hatchpot of tyrranical fabric between internal enemies holding influential positions and enemies across the border. Before the last jehaadi named Fahadullah was down, he disdainfully proclaims that whatever happened that day(26/11) was just a trailer of the entire movie that Indians must be ready to witnes very soon.

Subsequent probes disintered some outlandish details:
* The Intruders received reconnaissance assistance before the attacks
* Upon interrogation, Kasab admits the already dubious role of ISI in the plot right from training;educing important excerpts of photographs of targets prior to the operation;planting the millitants on Indian soil and coordinating the entire echeme through powerful men in Islamabad.
* Despite kasab's admittance of the crime and claiming that he deserved death penalty for the mess;he later retracted these claims clamoring that he had been tortured to force his confession. A thespian act to embezzle the clause of the Constitution and eventually adjourn the sentence by the court of law.

Had it been for POTA, which treats a confession made to police as an admission of guilt; these farce of delaying trials and sequestration of important evidence could have been long allayed.

But Congress, the Messiah of terrorists, had serrated the myriad of roadblocks posed on the jehadi's path by POTA. The attacks being subject to widespread international abhorence and contempt from all spheres of media triggered some fair investigation irrespective of the curls and whirls of anti-hindu secularism. Some drugged bloods were incarcerated and detained by the court of law. However, their 5-star treatment by Government personnels and the judicial prerogatives extended to their courtesy was a discrete emblem as to where their(UPA's) loyalty lay.
-> Alleged role of Fauzia Khan(former MLA and minister in Congress led Maharashtra Government) in abetting the crime by providing one-day stay to Abu Humza in his own sponsored lodge prior to the mission, was never brought to the fore.
-> Neither the UPA govt. conducted any quest to pry the roles of alleged nationals who acted in rhythm to the anti-national tide fostered by ghouls across the LOC; nor the media ever broached up the exigency of such an investigation.Unquestionably, this could have dragged into cynosure a lot of moles in the leftist or Congress cadre in Centre as well as State.
-> Feckless reactions by Congress CM Vilas Rao Deshmukh; Minister for Home-affairs Shivraj Patil remarking that the attacks were not that a big deal in a large city as Mumbai invited widespread indignation to the controversial spirit of these Congress sponsored brats.

In congruence to the above citations, the double standards exhibited by UPA fraternity in granting immunity to detained convicts as Afzal Guru and Ajmal kasab under the clouts of Human rights while agaping the country-men in besmirching the RSS(a patriotic body in service of Dharma) as a plotter to the insurgency of terror on 26/11, clairvoyantly sidelines Congress as partisans to terrorism.

An important gospel accentuated by Tavleen Singh(an eminent Indian Express columnist), who happened to be one of the guests to the NDTV talk show-Left,Right and Centre, emboldens the fact as to
How fetid can the manifestaions of Congressian mouthpiece Electronic media as NDTV, Tehelka etc. have on the elite mass of the Nation??
Point of view widely acclaimed in these talk shows, rather act as a diversion, veneering the burning issue.
With verbose speakers of Tehelka in the host's panel; the show finally imposes the rancid conclusion supporting the pernicious comment by the youth flop Rahul Gandhi in which he informs an US ambassador(as reported by wikileaks) that he was more worried about majority(Hindu) communalism in India rather than the threats across the border(Pakistan). This clearly surfaces that prime attention is laid more on Hind Terror Groups(God knows if they even exist)than on Islamic jehaadi zealots. Those islamic radicals who repeatedly keep infiltrating the integral fabric of India causing upsurges as 1993 serrial bomb blasts;26/11 Mumbai attacks etc. are considered much less a threat as deciphered by the words of aspiring-to-be-PM of India- Rahul Gandhi.

Diffidence of Congress in dealing with such insurgency operations with a strong hand and its resorting to hypocrisy in the name of secularism to such extent as to support baseless islamic bigotry. Jittery approach in dominating the situation inspite of repeated denials by Pak over these acts of cowardice in the face of corroborating evidence;lack of durable policies in combatting terrorism and by far more alarming being the prejudiced mindset in defending the human rights of inhumane burglars to the Nation.....consolidates the fact that India is more susceptible to anti-national threats not because of terrorism being a Global issue but because of spineless and contorted governence of Congress.
These propagandas fortifies the adage that Congress is a standing libel to the Integrity and security of the Nation. Voting them to power insures the destiny of India to be groped in the flames of anti-nationalism.

Ousting Congress out of power in 2014 general elections and bestowing Narendra Modi-the powerful icon of leadership in today's world, as PM of India is the only democratic outlet to uphold the pride and credo of the Nation, rescuing it from the snares of bloodsucking Congress.


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